




  • Great ideas rarely strike while knee-deep at work or rushing for that last train. But they often come while soaking in a tub. How many great ideas have you missed by not taking that bath? History is replete with the ritual of bath. Japanese, Greeks, Turks, Cleopatra. The Romans built them wherever they went, but somewhere along the way we all forgot about it. Well not quite all of us: "My evening really begins when I take a long, hot bath. It's when I can breathe.." Vera Wang "I find a bath meditative and usually prepare myself for the day in this manner." Tom Ford  "I think a lot of contemplation happens in bathtubs. It does for me." Sarah McLachlan o "If I'm at home on a Saturday or Sunday, I like to start the day with a hot bath and then do an hour of stretching." Nobu Matsuhisa "Basically my wife was immature. I'd be at home in the bath and she'd come in and sink my boats." Woody Allen Oversized teabags of freshly mixed organic flowers--chamomile, calendula, & lavender--will provide a phenomenal and immediate lift from stress and everyday humdrum. Made DAILY. 5 satchels per package 

How to use: 

  • Drop satchel into pot of boiling water (within reason, bigger the better) Let it steep for 20 minutes Mix pot of Organic Tea Bath (including satchel) into bathwater Submerge, inhale, relax! 

What to expect: 

  • These certified organic bath herbs come in ready to use teabag satchels. Perfect for a business trip or at home. They arrive freshly packed so for full luxury and maximum effect please use promptly. Color: Instant rich woodsy, golden Scent: Wonderful mix of fresh chamomile, calendula and lavender Note: Adding tBath to a child's bathwater is a wonderfully simple way to absorb the healing properties while promoting sound sleep. Great for babies with diaper rash! Difference between mBath and tBath? Difference is pronounced and should not come as a surprise. One is a mineral, the other herbal. After mBath the feeling is relaxed but overwhelmingly tired, perhaps blissfully drained. If watching a movie you might well fall asleep during the opening credits. Organic tBath will also produce the sensation of relaxation but it will be more cloud-like. You'll more than likely see the end of the movie and enjoy a deep tranquil sleep

Chamomilla (organic chamomile), Calendula officinalis (organic calendula), Lavandula x intermedia (organic lavender)
