
Mini Sanitizer Pack



Mini Sanitizer Pack


  • Hand Hygiene- (2oz) Formulated with pure alcohol using 70% content in our formulation and a Lemongrass essential oil blend.  Enhanced with Organic Aloe Vera and Vitamin E to keep your hands moisturized and further protected. This rinse free, non-sticky on the go sanitizer is safe for the whole family to use.
  • Surface Sanitizer- (2oz) Made with 70% Alcohol content and a Tea Tree essential oil blend makes this an excellent on-the-go disinfectant for sanitizing surfaces.  Protect yourself by eliminating up to 99.99% of common harmful germs found on everyday personal items while eliminating harmful airborne germs. This all natural disinfectant spray can be used to cleanse the air, furniture, linens, and hard surfaces.
  • Sanitizer Mist- (4oz) Made with 70% Alcohol content and a Peppermint essential oil blend to target germs and bacteria. Enhanced with nourishing skin agents of Organic Aloe vera, Glycerin & Vitamin E to keep your hands moisturized and further protected.  Rinse free and non-sticky this on the go mist is safe for the whole family to use in air and on hands and surfaces.

Ethyl Alcohol, Hyrogen Peroxide, Organic whole-leaf pure Aloe vera juice, Glycerin, Vitamin E & Essential oil blends of : Lemongrass, Lavender & Tea Tree
Ethyl Alcohol 70%, Hydrogen Peroxide, Distilled water, Organic whole Leak Pure Aloe Juice, Glycerin, Vitamin E,  Essential oils of Tea Tree & Bergamot.
Ethyl Alcohol, Hyrogen Peroxide, Distilled water, Organic whole-leaf pure Aloe vera juice, Glycerin, Vitamin E & Essential oil blends of : Peppermint  and Eucalyptus
