Calm Face Oil



A light, calming, dry-oil. Fast-absorbing, this face oil actively calms and moisturizes irritated, sensitive skin. Redness clears; serenity reigns.


  • Scent - Fresh, herbal, clean, fields
  • 30 ml
  • Reduces redness & soothes irritation
  • Clears clogs and dullness
  • A dry oil that absorbs quickly
  • Sweeps away bacteria and irritants

How To Use: 

  • Oils are most effective used on clean, slightly damp skin - this gives oil even more hydration to lock-in
  • Tip: try Long June to soothe a sunburn or raggedy cuticles
  • Step 1: Apply 2-3 drops into the palm of your hand
  • Step 2: Rub your palms together, take a big inhale, and think of something you are grateful for
  • Step 3: Massage into face and neck with upward sweeping motions. Meet your extended prime

Camellia seed oil*, Apricot kernel oil*, Calendula oil*, Marula seed oil*, Evening primrose oil*,  Natural vitamin E, Chamomile flower oil, Lavender oil 
* Organic Ingredient 
