A bright orange blossom aroma balanced with a delicate floral blend. Blanc is a fresh perfume crafted with notes of petitgrain and jasmine along a mix of neroli and warm sandalwood. The fragrance is also infused with bergamot and eucalyptus essential oils to elevate the experience and bring a natural essence to life.
- Primary Notes: Sandalwood, Orange Blossom, Petitgrain
- Secondary Notes: Bergamot, Neroli, Jasmine
- 5fl.oz (Alixx), 8fl.oz (DemiLune) liquid fragrance
- Alcohol free diffusing oil from the U.S.
- 12 wooden reed sticks from the U.S.
- Artisan mouth-blown glass from Europe (Alixx)
- Recycled mouth-blown glass from Mexico (DemiLune)